Affirmation Challenge: Week 2

Embedding Affirmations into Your Routine

Hey beautiful people!

Happy Saturday and welcome back to The Lift Up.

Today marks Week 2 of our 180-day affirmation challenge

Last week, we dove into the power of crafting your custom affirmation and writing it 10 times a day.

How did that feel for you?

I know it might have started off feeling a bit awkward, but trust me, the more you do it, the more natural it becomes.

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This week, we’re taking it up a notch. Let’s talk about embedding these affirmations deeper into our daily lives.

Week 2: Embedding Affirmations into Your Routine

Now that you’ve created your custom affirmation and got the ball rolling, it’s time to make this practice a seamless part of your everyday routine.

First things first, let’s get creative with how and where we write our affirmations. This isn’t just about scribbling in a journal anymore, girl. Let’s make it visible!

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